The original Genius Square game won the 2020 Australian Toy Association Product Of The Year and Educational Product Of The Year along with other worldwide awards. It's such a clever concept and can be so addictive for both kids and adults!
Each player receives their own 6×6 grid and a set of nine different coloured wooden shapes, plus seven blocker pieces. Roll the seven dice together and then place a blocker in each of the coordinates on the dice. Now race to fill every other space on the grid, either on your own (if you're playing solo) or before your opponent.
As unlikely as it seems, the puzzles really can be solved in each of the 62,208 possible combinations, often with multiple solutions. Sometimes you'll quickly see a solution and sometimes you'll be tearing your hair out. Fun!
The Genius Square XL board is 26cm x 26cm.
2 boards, 2 sets of coloured shapes and blockers, 1 set of dice and instructions.
Ages 6+